Darning the Dream promotional tour: North East Leg
Monday 28th June
I’ve been teaching all day in London , so the journey started with a mad scramble on my bike up to King’s Cross, with 4 days’ worth of stuff with me. I look a bit like a pack-horse.
The train stopped moving for about 3 ¼ minutes at Darlington Station. I did my make up in 3. A desperate dash into a taxi at Newcastle Station, and I pitch up at the gig with 5 mins before ‘baton down.’ There might have been less stressful ways to start the tour.
Lance Liddle – a man I met after doing an impromptu guest spot with Tina May at a Worshipful Company of Musicians gig and who put me up to this one – was there. A lover of jazz and food, he blogged the evening accurately and elegantly: read his review here.
Tuesday 29th June
What a lovely place Bishop Auckland is. Of course, it helps that we were treated to a full day of glorious sunshine but nevertheless, BA managed to fulfil all our needs: beautiful weather, charming streets to walk around, a Superdrug for those forgotten items, a library computer to catch up on my blog, and a pub in which to witness Japan being knocked out of the world cup.
So, as you can see, our gig is at Bishop Auckland Town Hall (BATH). I don’t normally sing in the bath but this gig was great!
The gig was lovely - helpful sound guys, friendly staff and attentive audience.
Wednesday 30th June
We've spent the day sunbathing and relaxing in Rick's parents' garden. Check out this lovely picture, complete with singer's and drummer's feet, to prove we were actually there!
It's been lovely - time for relaxing, socialising and reflecting. We're feeling quite sad that this is the last day of the tour.
And what a last day!
We played the best gig of the whole tour at The Lescar in Sheffield . The crowd… well, I say crowd, but it was somewhat diminished owing to a fairly large jazz event happening in town. I commented on this to the audience – something along the lines of “I understand there’s a major jazz event going on in Sheffield today…” “It’s HERE!” piped up Darren. Of course!
Anyway, the crowd were attentive and knowledgeable, and cheering for more at the end. Gosh! Why hadn’t I planned an encore?! Perhaps it’s because on the last two nights we didn’t need one; perhaps it’s that our regular encore is the same style and tempo as the last tune of the set (appropriately: That’s All). So I chose to sing I Will Survive over a blues. Somehow it works (but don’t just take my word for it – check it out on my WEBSITE for proof…)
A reviewer came up to me at the end. “Excellent!” he said. I wonder if his review agrees – click here to view it.
Today would have been my mum's 65th birthday. The title track of my album is a song about her. When we got to that number in the set, I suddenly realised it was a hard ask for me to sing it. I welled up a few times, hoping that the audience would understand what was going on rather than thinking I was singing it badly. Afterwards, I explained to them the significance of the day. A fitting way to finish a tour promoting an album dedicated to my mum.
We had planned to stay the night in a hotel for a knees-up. However, Darren has to teach in the morning, Gavin is only a 20 minute drive from home, and Rick wants to go back in the car with Darren. So I’m left alone. Why didn’t I go home with them?! My hotel is… budget. An old bar of soap, no TV remote, but of course a trusty bible. I can’t get much sleep because there’s a pub on the ground floor and it sounds like the DJ is IN MY ROOM. I should have been suspicious at the two packets of earplugs on the bed. A good night’s sleep? No dice. A good end to a 2-month tour? Despite the noise and discomfort, I’m extremely happy, proud and satisfied to have been the organiser and performer of a successful trip in upwards of 20 locations all around the UK .